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Art-0 Mat Series

If you purchased a piece from Art-o-mat...


Thank you for selecting mine.  I am honored to be working with the Art-o-mat team and appreciative that they helped me construct and distribute this concept.


21st Century Cave Art originated several years ago to address the question of how modern man would be remembered and what legacy we would leave behind.


The ancient cave artists came to mind as a source of inspiration, because they used art not only as an aesthetic tool, but one which communicated to future generations where to get food, which way the herds traveled, theories on the origin of the universe, and most importantly—that they existed and endured.


Like the original cave artists, human beings are still compelled by the primal urge to make future generations aware that we existed.  We still want to let others know about the best places to find food, what the latest innovations are, and express our theories on the universe.


The juxtaposition of primitive man and modern day objects is meant to highlight our advancements as a species, while reminding us of qualities that we have inherited from past ancestors.  The series also serves as a warning for how our legacy can become tarnished by commercialization and greed.  Like the cave artists who left us their mark some 50,000 years ago, we too shall perish one day, and—for better or worse—these are the heirlooms we leave to future generations.  I ask you, the owner of the piece, what will future generations say of us?


Below are the current available series. Come back soon to see additional pieces that are added. Please feel free to check out my other art work available—all for sale.

Edition 1


Series 1


Man with Commercial Coffee. (2015)


Oil on Stone.

Series 2


Man with iPhone & Ear buds. (2015)


Oil on Stone.

Edition 2

Series 1

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Series 2


Overly-medicated Man. (2015)

2"x 3"

Oil on Stone.

Man of Debt. (2015)

2"x 3"

Oil on Stone.

Edition 3

Series 1


The Hunter Part I. (2015)

2"x 3"

Oil on Stone.

Series 2

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The Hunter: Part II. (2015)

2"x 3"

Oil on Stone.

Edition 4

Series 1

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Man of Pollution. (2016)

2"x 3"

Oil on Stone.

Series 1


Man of Consumerism. (2016)


Oil on Stone.

#21stcenturycaveart @cholula
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Jasmin said on Feb 15, 2018 2:48 AM

One "Man with Commercial Coffee" from the art-o-mat in the Crocker Museum of Sacramento! Very pleased. I love the idea!


Stacy Graves said on Dec 28, 2015 3:56 PM

My 15 year old daughter selected yours at the Art-O-Mat at Reynolda House in Winston Salem yesterday. She had no idea what the machine used to dispense and I am delighted to have purchased your original art from it. We got the coffee caveman, which is perfect since we live in Seattle and my husband just left Starbucks after a 20 year corporate career there. Thank you! I might have to go back for another. The products in the machine are healthier but still addictive!


Dean Shore said on Dec 26, 2015 11:42 PM

Bought one of the Man with Commercial Coffee in Winston-Salem, the birthplace of the Art-O-Mat. It's awesome and a great series of miniature paintings. Wishing you great success!


Laura S. Funderburg said on Dec 18, 2015 11:36 AM

Recently bought "Man with Commercial Coffee" from the Art-o-Mat at SECCA in Winston-Salem to add to my collection of Art-o-Mat pieces. Well done and well packaged. Love it!


Tania Witek said on Aug 20, 2015 7:39 PM

Loving my first piece of real art! What a great little gift !


Tali Marcus said on Aug 10, 2015 6:00 PM

I love these creative art pieces and now I am the proud owner of one. The cave art is truly as innovative as the artist is.


Ken Gallo said on Jul 13, 2015 11:37 AM

Nice art work!!!


Amelia said on Jul 9, 2015 12:19 PM

Fantastic concept! So happy to have a piece of original cave art!


Ann Alves said on Jul 7, 2015 5:19 PM

Love the cave art! I have one displayed at home already :) Great little gifts too!


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